At Ayathi Biologique, we believe in blending flavor and function. That’s why we thoughtfully balance nourishing ingredients with flavorful herbs and botanicals that have been traditionally used to support your body and mind. We’re on a mission to make wellness delicious.
Our products, boosts the immune health and prepares the body to fight all kinds of infections. The best ingredients and blends are hand-picked and lovingly combined with complimentary flavors at our production plant in Piliyandala.
From start to finish the production process is professionally managed by a team of highly qualified Ayurveda medical practitioners and the nutrition formula boosting wellness of our products is made available to us by an international nutritionist and a Canadian specialist.
We always believe that the goodness of our products should be exceeded only by the goodness of our actions towards our local community and all round the world. We know that our efforts truly make a difference in the lives of our suppliers – rural women making a decent and a wholesome living, financially empowered by us from planting seeds, fertilizing, quality controlling, plucking and transporting yield to our factories, they cherish the bonds that keep us together … we buy their entire yield at higher than the market prices.